A handy piece of furniture, such as shelves, will complete the entire arrangement of the rooms, and at the same time are very useful in constant use. You can place your items on them to have quick access to them. You will also need a mirror that will additionally decorate the wall.
The Desjo collection is furniture made of laminated furniture board in a wood-like decor with a deep wood structure. Modern furniture pieces and the color of light oak give the impression of harmony and peace. They are solidly made of high-quality materials supplied by leading manufacturers in Europe, so they will serve for many years.
Technical data
front / body: sanremo oak + uni brown / sanremo oak
front: furniture board covered with wood-like foil
body: furniture board covered with wood-like foil, laminated furniture board
System furniture distributed in packages for self-assembly
except for the solids: 30, 101
dimensions given in cm in the order of width x height x depth